Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back Acne - Remedies for Unseen Acne

Back acne can be a particularly vicious beast. The back is the most likely place for cystic acne to develop: hard comedones appearing as acne black boils under the skin. It's also a very difficult area to reach, so topical methods can be quite difficult. However, there are still many back acne remedies that one can try.

Causes of Back Acne

As with all acne, back acne is caused by bacterial infection under the skin, namely from the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. It is these bacteria that are the causes of back acne. These bacteria cause redness and irritation (inflammation). They also create enzymes which dissolve the oil glands into irritating substances. The oil glands themselves are aggravated by androgen hormones, which occur in men and women, but in greater quantities for men. These hormones increase the size of the sebaceous glands, and increase oil production, causing plugged skin pores.

Back Acne Treatment

Due to the rather difficult locale of back acne, solutions to getting rid of back acne are hard to apply directly. In most cases, prevention is the name of the game rather than a back acne cure. However, treatments that work elsewhere on the body work wonders as solutions to getting rid of back acne.

Firstly, a proper cleaning regimen is of utmost importance to clear back acne. Since acne occurs when pores are blocked and thus infected, the most important of back acne remedies is to unblock these pores. An exfoliating scrub is good therapy to open up the pores. Natural facial cleanser products for back acne can include these scrubs, easily found in any drug or grocery store (Trader Joe's might have the most natural of these back acne products). As to the application of these drugs, the location of the back does make things a little bit difficult. To this end, it may be recommended to employ the services of a helper...a significant other, perhaps. My particularly sadistic girlfriend takes great pleasure in attacking the pores on my back with tweezers, though there are surely far less painful alternatives. If it makes her happy though, who am I to complain?

Once you get the pores open, either through an exfoliating scrub or more masochistic methods, it's vitally important to keep those pores open and clean. They are a great deal more exposed to infection now, though they are much healthier. To this end, it's a great idea to invest in a back brush. With a nice long handle, you can get to those hard-to-reach places with relative ease. It's important to scrub hard, as these pores are now exposed. Pain is a great acne cure, it seems.

A washcloth will allow direct intervention to troubled areas, scrubbing out any areas prone to long as you scrub hard. Of course, as back acne products go, washcloths are not terribly ideal.

Diet Regimen

You may have been dreading this section, but diet is just as important for back acne as it is for any other kind of acne. Bad food is bad food, when you're talking about acne or any other bodily condition. Fried foods, trans fats, and even vegetable oils should be avoided. Sugars and caffeinated products have also been suggested as aggravators of adult acne. Vegetables and fruits are a great, safe diet that will not introduce any factors that will increase acne. An increase in omega-3 fats, such as those found in salmon and other fish, also promotes skin health. This end can also be addressed by taking fish oil supplements. Be aware oil pills should be followed by mints. Since meats do have considerable hormones, they should essentially be reduced...after all, it was hormones like testosterone that got you into this mess in the first place!

It's the same healthy diet any doctor will recommend. To this end, it helps not only with acne problems, but basically any other health issue you may have. It may not be easy at first, but the results are worth it, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it takes no doctor to know this.

Topical Creams

The same treatments that work as a facial acne remedy will also work on back acne. Most dermatologists will prescribe typical over the counter medications for mild to moderate cases of acne. Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, and resorcinal are the most common of these medications. Each of these medicines work in very different ways, and are focused toward different types of acne.

Benzoyl peroxide breaks down these areas of acne irritation, and can also reduce oil production. Salicylic acid, resorcinol, and sulfur break down on the more tame blackheads and whiteheads. Among these, however, salicylic acid has the bonus helps reduce chances for acne to manifest, as it cuts down on the shedding of cells long the follicles of the oil glands.

Of course, these types of medication are for mild acne. Adult acne prescription medication can of course be far more effective, if it is needed. For adult acne medication, physicians may prescribe some form of retinoid. A retinoid medication is a regulator of epithelial cell growth...that is, cells on the outside of the body. Since a topical retinoid will generally result in a lot of new skin, it's frequently used (and misused) as a wrinkle reducer, which can certainly be dangerous. As side effects such as permanent dryness and peeling can occur, this is a medication that is best left to adults. Used properly, however, retinoids can help one get control over their skin with relative ease.

Retin-A is one of the most well-known of topical retinoid prescription medications. Retin-A opens up clogged pores, allowing medication to enter the hair follicle shaft and fight underlying infections. There can be side effects, however, and that is why prescription topical retinoids should be considered adult acne medication.


The biggest difficulty in getting advice on back acne is the back's difficult location. However, with diligence and perhaps a bit of assistance, all known treatments of acne will work quite well on the back. In the event of cystic acne, however, always consult a dermatologist.

Martin Hansen is the creator of (MATR), a website that specializes in providing acne sufferers with the knowledge to effectively and permanently control their outbreaks of acne. Find high-quality reviews of the Exposed acne treatment system - Acnezine - and other powerful acne products. Visit MATR now!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 Acne Treatment Myths

Acne is the most common skin disease in the United States. It affects nearly 20 million teens and one in every twenty adults. There is a tremendous amount of misinformation that confuses people about the real causes of acne and acne treatments. In order to clear the confusion, let us take a look at some of the most common acne myths.

1) Acne is caused by what you eat. Although some individuals notice their skin breaks out after consuming greasy foods, soda, and chocolate, these outbreaks are generally related to food allergies, not acne. Extensive studies have been conducted on acne and none have found a connection between diet and acne. Acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum (oil) and obstruction of the pores. It is not caused by food.

2) Acne is caused by poor hygiene. Acne is not caused by poor hygiene; however, it is important to keep skin pores clear of dirt to prevent bacteria from infecting the skin. Oftentimes, people who believe this myth cleanse their skin vigorously and frequently, which can make acne worse. Experts recommend gently washing the face twice a day with special oil absorbing micro-fiber facial clothes or with mild soap.

3) Popping pimples is the best way to manage acne. STOP and step away from the mirror! Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, picking or popping your pimples can lead to a nasty infection, or possibly even permanent scarring. Let them pop on their own and they will heal much faster.

4) Only teenagers get acne. People of all ages can get acne. As early as birth, infants can have mild acne on their faces. Adolescent acne usually develops when puberty begins and adult acne develops between the ages of 20 and 50. Most people eventually outgrow acne; however, in women it may last until menopause.

5) Oily skin is the main cause of pimples. Acne is not caused by oily skin. For reasons no one completely understands, follicles (or pores) sometimes become blocked with sebum (oil). The cells that line the hair follicle fail to make their way to the skin's surface, where they can be washed away. Instead these cells build up, mix with sebum and bacteria, and form a plug. Acne originates from the faulty hair follicle cells that do not get washed away, not the oil.

6) Acne is contagious. No one knows how this myth got started, but rumor has it that fathers would tell this to their daughters to keep them away from boys with acne. Apparently these fathers thought acne was caused by poor hygiene. Acne is absolutely, positively not contagious. You can not get it from anyone and you can not give it to anyone.

7) Tanning clears up acne. Tanning may darken your skin and temporarily mask the redness of acne; but it does nothing more than that. While it's beneficial to obtain 20 minutes of sunlight each day in order to obtain your vitamin D; too much sun increases your risk of developing wrinkles and even skin cancer. And, if you are thinking about tanning beds, nix that idea. There is growing concern that tanning beds increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

8) Using more medicine will heal acne faster. Wrong! When it comes to acne medicine, adhere to the saying "less is more." Using too much medicine can lead to dry, irritated skin. It can also lead to physical problems. When you apply ointment to the skin, it is absorbed by your entire body. It's filtered through the liver and kidneys. Using too much medicine can overtax these organs and cause unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. Always follow directions when using acne treatments and never use more than the prescribed amount.

9) Cosmetics must be avoided if you have acne. This is partially true and partially false. Certain types of cosmetics have been linked to acne and include foundation, night creams, and moisturizers composed of vegetable oil and oleic acid. If you want to use cosmetics just be certain to select products that are labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic." Oftentimes, health food stores will carry all-natural cosmetics; some of which are specifically formulated for people with acne.

10) It is safe to stop acne medication once acne has cleared. You should always consult with your doctor or dermatologist about discontinuing your acne treatment []. Acne flare-ups can occur if you stop taking your medication to soon, or if you change the dose. Certain medications require a "weening" period, which means the dosage should gradually be reduced. Complications can arise when quickly stopping some acne medications.

Alan Jensen is recognized as a leading expert on herbal acne products for fast and safe acne treatment. He is a frequent contributor to Acne Treatments [] and Hoodia Diet Pills He enjoys spending free time with his family and 3 year old German Shepherd.

10 Myths surrounding acne

10. Poor hygiene causes acne

While the oils, dirt and other contaminants can clog pores and aggravate acne, it is not the primary cause of acne. Acne has many causes, the primary being hormonal factors, and to some extent, genetics. For those who have a predisposition to acne, poor hygiene may aggravate acne, but will not be the sole cause of acne, for most of the patients.

9. Acne lasts forever

While those with acne tend to have their acne for years, most people who get acne in their childhood and adolescence improve in their environment and the end of the 20 without any treatment. This improvement is mainly due to a stabilization hormone levels during the middle and the end of the usually done 20 rage and flow during adolescence. Some people, however, continue to have a certain acne adult years and even some other people to develop as acne in their adult life.

8 Sexual activity worsens acne

The myth is that testosterone and the hormonal environment associated with the increase of sexual activity aggravated acne, but there is no evidence that sexual activity is all related to acne.

7-Acne may be contagious

Acne is not contagious. If you touch or rub against any person with acne, you will not get acne for their injuries. Rather touching or rubbing, as such, may lead to a pore blocking and cause acne - for example people breakout on their cheeks and Chin of talking on the phone for long periods of time.

6 Fat food causes acne

Acne is not caused by the consumption of food. Limited studies have been conducted to prove or foods cause acne and while some studies have suggested an association, there is no evidence in support of acne is related to what you eat. Chocolate or candy do not cause acne.

5 Get the light from the Sun or tanning improves acne

There is no evidence that exposure tanning or the Sun improves acne. Some people may appear subjectively better after exposure to the Sun, but there is nothing to indicate that regular exposure to the Sun is a good way to treat acne. While exposure to the Sun is known to reduce inflammation of the skin and, although that theoretically would benefit proven, some inflammatory acne, this effect is not scientifically proven. It is very well known that exposure to the Sun leads to many types of skin cancers and strongly contributes to the accelerated skin ageing.

4. More you wash your skin, the more improved your acne will be

Face washing improves acne, but the effect is limited. For those who have acne very soft, wash 2 - 3 times a day can be everything need improvement. However, for those will where simple washing not fully control not acne, in addition to more aggressive cleaning/washing or not help and is not recommended. In fact, the trauma resulting and drought can be worse than real acne itself. It would be prudent to have other methods of control of acne, topical or oral drugs for other improvements.

3 Popping buttons is the best thing to do when you see active acne

Buttons popping immediately can relieve pain and inflammation associated with many types of acne, however, remember that trying to pop a bud can actually greatly aggravate your acne. Inflammation increased, trauma and resulting worsening of acne may cause not only larger, more painful injury, but also the potential of acne scars.

2 Natural makeup are good for Acne

No makeup can promote the acne, natural or otherwise. Makeup block pores which then get inflamed and form the acne. If you are shopping at a suitable makeup for acne, best makeup types to use are those marked as non-COMEDOGENIC (non-acne-forming). For a list of compounds not comédogènes, click here.

1. To help more acne medicine makes better, faster

More on medicine using a current acne lesion does not better more quickly. When an acne lesion is present, it is often useful to put a product of 1.5-2.0% benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the injury of one to three times a day. To make any more often can lead to excessive drying and cracking without further improve acne lesion. For the same time, excessive use of Retin-A or the prescription of medicines that you already have on a single acne lesion is not recommended.

Don Mehrabi MD, FAAD is a dermatologist certified by the Board of Dermatology currently practicing in Beverly Hills California United States. He is also a main contributor of with many articles and topics to address many common dermatological problems and aesthetic problems. Visit for a discussion on more educational topics relating to dermatology and personal beauty.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Acne Treatment - Each Type Of Acne Needs Different Treatment!

Each of us wishes to have a smooth and clear skin. Pimples and Acne destroy this dream of smooth and clear skin. However, we start searching of remedies once we think things have gone out of hand.

Acne formation can take place on any part of the body, but the most affected parts are chest, back and unfortunately face. You should start treating acne consciously instead of starting use of over the counter products, of whose chemical composition you have no knowledge about. This is reason you should gain all those things you require to know about acne before you start treating it.

Acne should be treated as a health problem and not merely a skin problem. Acne appears in teenagers and adults as well. There are different types of acne and so there are equally different types of acne treatments.

Each one of us has a different condition; some people might have mild and moderate acne. Mild acne can also be referred to as non-inflammatory acne. This type of acne includes formation of white heads and black heads on skin, mild acne can be easily treated and removed from your daily life. For acne treatment of mild acne, all you require doing is washing your face with warm water and soap at least twice a day. Using exfoliating soap would be the best. Acne treatment for you would be using cleansers to cleanse your skin so that the pores do not get blocked and skin can breathe easy.

Moderate acne is the one which covers half of your face. Acne treatment for moderate acne can be done at home; however, it is also advisable that you take suggestions of the dermatologist so that he can stop the moderate acne changing to severe acne. Acne treatment can be a combination of treatments for moderate acne. At this stage you can prevent acne becoming severe inflammatory acne.

The doctor might advice you acne treatment in two ways, by making sure that your skin is clean and there are no blocked pores. This acne treatment involves extraction of the blockages and such therapies which will dry out or remove the oils that block the pores.

Acne treatment also might include taking some prescription drugs so that the chances of the acne recurring or becoming a severe type of acne diminish.

Severe acne or inflammatory acne means pimples are larger in size and are filled with pus. These can leave scars and are also painful in some cases. Severe acne can leave permanent scars on the skin. Therefore, it is better that you do not allow your acne to reach this level.

Acne treatment for severe acne is long and complicated. Here the dermatologist does not have to only clean you face, you also requires mending it. He might also need you to go through surgery if you want to get rid of acne scars. Initially, acne treatment for severe acne might comprise of taking some oral medicines and cleansing of skin, surgery might come in quite later when acne has been stopped totally and all that is required to be done is mending the skin.

So you can now classify acne if you have any, so that you can take action against it as soon as possible.

Find more information here about acne treatment [] and acne product [] in Acnezine [].

Adult acne - what they say

Adult acne - you are more than 21 years. You are perhaps even on 30, 40 or 50. You have your own place. You have your own car. There is money in the Bank. Perhaps you have some investments. You have even a nice guy or a girl. You have some concerns about you doing OK.

But there is a problem. You don't really talk about it. You try to hide it. But it is difficult. After all, it affects right where you are the more naked. It is on your face, your face, your face!

What is it? It is, gasp..., adult acne!

Relax, all is not lost. There is hope. Do not despair. I'm here to help you kill buttons, blackheads and spots.

Adult acne is curable. Allow me to say. Adult acne is curable.

There is now adult acne treatments more than ever before.

Disclaimer: your doctor before, or by relying on the information in this article.


Acne is caused when your pores are blocked by dirt, dead, sebum and excess oil cells. Unfortunately, a quarter of adult men and about half of adult women are affected by acne. Acne Teenage and adult acne are caused by the same issues.


Unbalanced hormones are a major cause of additional adult acne. When your hormones are raging and get out of whack in adolescence, sometimes acne results. The same goes for the adults. Therefore during pregnancy and during the menopause women can be attacked by the adult acne.

Another cause of adult acne is drugs. Certain drugs produce acne key side. Anti epilepsy, tuberculosis, lithium and other drugs often produce adult acne. Fortunately when you stop taking the medication, acne usually disappears.

Surprisingly, an impure face is rarely mentioned in the literature as a cause of adult acne. For example those who wear a mask work for security and other reasons some time contract acne.

Physicians of wax on the chronic physical pressure, and they have even a term for it, mechanical acne. Adult acne in these cases the obvious reason is that the masks trap dirt and help to rub the dirt in pores. Duh, guess what happens with the clogged pores? You get acne.

A rather obvious adult acne treatment is to clean your face two or three times per day or as needed.

Naturally, there are certain work situations where the chemical environment can cause acne.


Some adults go into great despair on their acne. Of course, some adolescents do too, but they assume that their acne will improve when they grow up. Acne dysmorphic disorder is a rare syndrome where the person gets deeply depressed in their adult acne.

These adult acne is not a joke. Acne dysmorphic can make solitary people and be obsessive about finding a cure for their condition.

Fortunately, it is a rare event.


Adult Acne can be cured. Keep your own face. I like gently clean my face with water and baking soda either until I retire, in the morning, or both. It unclogs pores and removes dead skin. And then apply a good moisturizer. Try it out. It works.

Touch is probably one of the reasons most often unsung adult acne. Break the habit of putting your hands on your face! Rub or prepares your chin is also another problem common in thinking.

Do not rub, touch or your skin with your hands itch. Your hands contain many bacteria that can cause outbreaks of acne.

Doctors say that your face is the dirtiest part of your body. Why? This is because it is the part of the body most exposed to the elements. Also one that is most affected by our hands.

Therefore, carry a small own hand plastic bottle or a disinfectant. Use frequently throughout the day. If you are tempted to touch your face and then such hand cleaning will reduce the possibility that adult acne is produced.


That set the best in the short term? A patch where you do not have to wait days or weeks to find a cure? What happens when you have this hot date or social event important? What do you do? So sometimes I have your solution. Drum roll please..., go see a licensed aesthetician (person who makes the face care and more) as both my living room.

Why do you say? Easy, a beautician extracted professionally the whiteheads, blackheads, and buttons. Your face will be smooth and free eruption. Pause for applause..., you Email me with your thanks warm because it works. Your date is recorded and your enhanced social status (smiling).

However if you have a complex condition will the dermatologist sooner than later. Don't assume that you have to put up with adult acne.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Inside Scoop on Acne Medication - Which One is Right for You?

Experts estimate that nearly 9 out of 10 people worldwide either have acne or have suffered from it in the past. That means that literally billions of people are currently facing this common skin problem, went through it in the past, or know someone who fits in one of those first two categories. One of the most common forms of acne treatment is the use of some type of acne medication. However, the type of medication used varies depending on the severity of the acne outbreaks along with other factors.

Moderate to Severe Acne

Topical treatments are often used for moderate to severe acne. These treatments, as the name implies, are usually applied to existing acne as a way to reduce inflammation and eventually make the acne go away.

Oral antibiotics are also sometimes used as a treatment for acne. This is typically done in multiple doses, with the first dose being a relatively high dose and over the course of 6 months or so, the dosage being gradually reduced. There's added relief from the fact that oral antibiotics are also anti-inflammatory, which helps with some of the discomfort that can result from particularly bad acne added bonus that comes with this particular form of acne treatment.

Oral contraceptives can also be used in the treatment of acne. Though it may sound strange to think of these drugs as acne remedies, studies indicate that these types of medications can help women in fighting acne. Since acne is often linked to hormonal characteristics, that might not be much of a surprise. These drugs have a suppressive effect on the oil-producing sebaceous glands, whose overproduction of oil is one of the main factors that causes acne. So although it's a roundabout way, these drugs can have a beneficial effect when used as an acne treatment but, of course, care should be taken when using them, especially for women with certain medical conditions. As with anything else, a doctor's recommendation is always best.

These treatments prove quite effective for many cases of moderate to severe acne. However, as acne becomes more severe, more aggressive measures might have to be taken.

Acute Cystic Acne and Severe Acne

Some of the most potent topical treatments for acne are called retinoids. These are often used on cases of severe acne, though they work quite well on moderate outbreaks too. These drugs are derived from Vitamin A and are the basis for many acne medications. They work to clean dirt and oil from the pores of the skin which helps keep acne from forming.

In addition to retinoids, Isotretinoin is one of the most prescribed acne medications used today. However, this drug is so powerful that it's reserved only for acne sufferers with acute cystic acne outbreaks. It might also be used on other patients whose acne has been shown to be resistant to other, less aggressive measures.

Depending on the severity of your acne as well as other factors, one of these types of treatment might be right for you too. However, as with all health-related matters, consulting a doctor or other medical professional is the best course of action to ensuring you choose the acne remedy that's best for you.

FACT: Acne affects 90% of people worldwide. Why are some people able to stop acne dead in its tracks while others continue to suffer? Discover other traditional and alternative acne treatments and finally enjoy clear, smooth, acne-free skin.

Visit us today at:

Copyright 2007 - Kevin Nelson. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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How To Manage Stress in Acne

Learning and implementing the techniques on how to manage stress in acne will go a long way not only in clearing your acne, but also improving your overall quality of life. A well chosen and effective stress management program will complement the conventional therapies of moderate to very severe acne. This article will briefly outline the most effective steps to be taken to manage stress in acne.

The Importance of Learning How to Manage Stress in Acne

If your acne attacks are moderately severe and persistent, it is high time you sat up and listened to your skin and body. Something is amiss! It is but natural that the pangs of adolescence are multiplied with an outbreak of acne. Stress thus is an important factor in the initiation, maintenance and aggravation of acne. It is essential that we include a regular stress management program along with conventional acne therapies.

There have been many studies which answered the question "Does Stress Affect Acne?" in the affirmative and many theories have been put forward regarding how stress affects acne.

The inference: stress affects acne in more ways than was ever thought of previously.

The message is plain and clear- if acne has to be tackled properly and effectively, one has to learn how to manage stress in acne. No shortcuts there.

Learning how to manage the stress in our day to day life requires some disciplined training on our part. By inherent nature or because of some irrational beliefs or social commitments, we tend to forget to relax on a regular basis. Our mind and body remain in a state of perpetual stress mode, eventually leading to exhaustion, ill-health and breakdown.

The following is a compilation of Stress Management Tips for the acne sufferers.

10 Tips on How to Manage Stress in Acne

Acne Stress Tip 1: Analyze Your Responses to Life Events.

Whether you are an adolescent student, a middle aged housewife or a young salesman, if you are getting recurrent acne and the acne is not responding to conventional treatment in a satisfactory manner , it is time to have an introspective session with your life! Start a diary of daily events in your life and record your physical and emotional responses to each.

Acne Stress Tip 2: Recognize Your Stress Problems.

The first step in managing your stress is to recognize the stressors or the events that induce stress in you. These may be at the personal, social, professional or family levels. Keeping a diary as suggested in tip 1 is the first step in recognizing your stress problems.

Acne Stress Tip 3: Accept You Have a Stress Problem, if You Have One.

Once you have recognized that you have a stress problem, the next step is accepting it as such. This not only gives you a firm base to start creating your own positive plan of action, but also provides with the much needed boost of self confidence and sense of responsibility.

Acne Stress Tip 4: Take Specific Steps for Correction: Reframing Situations.

This is the positive outcome of the previous 3 steps: analyze, recognize, accept; then- ACT!

Go back to each stressful event of the day as outlined in step 1. Realize that there are many ways to approach a problem. Reframe the situation so as to look at it in the least stressful manner, and, if possible, even feel better about it! Reframing situations in this manner is considered to be one of the most powerful and creative stress reducers.

Acne Stress Tip 5: Learn to View Your Acne as a Common Disease

You are one among millions of acne sufferers! Acne is so common that almost 85% of adults would have experienced acne outbreak at least once during their life time. Take comfort in the knowledge that you are suffering from a common disease. This attitude will go a long way in reducing the stress induced by the disease itself.

Acne Stress Tip 6: Learn a Complete Step by Step Stress Management Program

If you feel too much stressed out, it is advisable to get expert help in the form of a stress management program, specially devised for you. There are lots of stress management programs on the net. One created by this author, the 10 Days to Stress Free Life contains an e-Book, MP3 relaxation audios and a Powerpoint presentation of the program for easy reference. It is available for downloading from

Acne Stress Tip 7: Learn and Apply Regular Relaxation Techniques

Once you have equipped yourself with a complete stress management program, learn a few relaxation techniques and practice it daily from the comfort of your home.

Acne Stress Tip 8: Take Professional Help to Manage Your Acne

If there are signs of inflammation or pus filled acne bumps, consult a dermatologist at the earliest to control your acne. Timely treatment will go a long way in preventing acne scar and blemish formation and also reduce further stress from the disease itself.

Acne Stress Tip 9: Stick to a Well Balanced Diet, Regular Exercise and Restful Sleep

Needless to say, a healthy body is essential for a healthy mind. A nutritionally well balanced diet, regular, moderate exercise and restful sleep are essential requirements for both. Avoiding junk food is equally important in the management of stress in acne.

Acne Stress Tip 10: Be Happy and Make Others Happy!

Happiness is infective. Try to be pleasant always. Present a smiling face to the world. You will find even strangers smiling back and the number of friendly acquaintances growing steadily. Make it your life's mission to put the smile back into the hearts and minds of those with whom you come into contact, whether at home or at work place. The advantage? You will find your own stress relieved by helping others relieve theirs! This is my best stress relieving tip.

Dr.Hanish Babu, MD is a Dermato-Venereologist, Author, Stress Management Trainer and a Successful Netpreneur. He has recently launched a Stress Management e-Book and MP3 relaxation audio package on the net, the 10 Days to Stress Free Life, which was widely acclaimed by the medical professionals as the best stress management program currently available on the net. Subscribe to Dr.Hanish's Best Treatment for Acne Newsletter to get the latest info on acne and related diseases.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Acne scars

The new is, acne scars are permanent, but can be treated. A final solution for your acne scars is to have the major plastic surgery. The most sever acne is not controlled by the food, cleanliness or OTC meds.

However, it is generally more important than that of acne scars. Acne Scarring is visible markings, pieces or indentations on the surface of the skin resulting from scar tissue which formed in the healing of the proc. The only way to completely prevent the acne scars is by process correctly the acne lesions as soon as they form.

The most effective way to prevent the acne scars is to let acne, but this does not mean that you cannot ask for expert advice on how best to treat your acne. Acne scars are most often the result of conduct self-excoriate, such as the tendency to choose or tighten the buttons.

Moderate to sever acne include: nodules, cysts and rosacea conglobata. For moderate to sever acne, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

Oral antibiotics:

These are available on prescription for moderate to sever acne. A new topical treatment for moderate to sever Acne can help, and it is best to first ask your dermatologist.

Doctors say that the healing itself represents only a small part of the actual damages.

Acne suffers are aware there is acne will it be thus scars. Many people have the common bud or small groups, but for some people with acne unlucky, Acne can cause scarring. The healing will improve with time.

Doctors advise people to not squeezing acne themselves, because the scarring may result.

Adjacent, no overlapping pulse laser does are delivered on the scars. Ultra pulsed carbon dioxide laser, erbium YAG laser and laser dye yellow pulsed light are generally used for the treatment of acne scars.

For the improvement of the facial acne scars: a systematic review of the audit of the evidence out of the skin, the harmony Pixel Laser resurfacing Laser is very effective in the treatment of acne scars.

Numerous medical studies have documented the effectiveness of treatments with the laser Nd: YAG for the acne scars. Acne scar laser treatment is administered by experienced medical personnel properly trained in this area. Laser therapy for acne and acne scarring of the works by targeting the oily, sebaceous glands that cause bacterial entrapment.

Reduction of the scar is one of the most common uses of laser skin resurfacing. Recent research showed that rosacea Acne can be treated successfully with yellow laser with no side effects. The erbium laser is usually used to produce superficial resurfacing.

Skin laser resurfacing has added many treatment options available for the acne scars. The last options for treatment of acne scars are lasers, such as pulsed carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and the Erbium lasers: YAG. There are several treatment options for those who suffer from chronic compatible acne.

The good news is that there are many treatment options now available to treat the acne scars. Fortunately, there are topical treatment options, depending on the type of wound healing. The first thing to do is to get good advice on options.

Laser treatment is one of the most recent options to get rid of acne. As with any surgical procedure, it is important to understand the options and procedures. Laser resurfacing is a recent addition to the arsenal of options for the acne scars. Electrolysis and laser are the best options. Talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for you.

However, it is generally more important than that of acne scars. A cause acne scars is the pinch and compression of acne. A final solution for your acne scars is to have the major plastic surgery. Acne scars are one of the most embarrassing skin problems encountered by many, but help is out, so do the most.

Acne scars are permanent, but can be treated. The only way to completely prevent the acne scars is by process correctly the acne lesions as soon as they form. It is almost as embarrassing as acne scars real buttons.

Acne scars are a great many people, young and old woes. For the fortunate majority, acne scars are one minor, difficult nuisance for others to view. Acne scars, this is what fear most adolescents and adults. Acne scars, it is the result of the end of the process of healing of the body.

Len Cecchetto wrote many articles on acne. He suffered a Kid and had a keen interest in the development of treatments for years. You can find more at

Friday, November 25, 2011

Best Acne Skin Care Solutions For You

During my career as a registered nurse, I learned a lot over the years about acne, acne scars, and acne treatments. Almost 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least occasional breakouts of whiteheads, blackheads or a pimple, now and then. Natural treatment methods are always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products.

For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still get acne. Baby acne is a rash seen on the cheeks, chin, and forehead of infants. Acne is most common in teenagers and young adults. There are several different types of acne. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back.

Acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and many other skin disorders are usually, but not always, the result of a bad diet. I think the cause of acne is related to our Standard American Diet (SAD) and that would also influence all our hormones.

The liver sluffs off toxins from bad foods, drinks, drugs and chemicals and sends them through your skin resulting in skin eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders. Scientists are looking at ways to prevent plugs and ways to stop testosterone from causing acne, if it truly does.

One helpful remedy seems to be to use ice to reduce the swelling caused by inflamed pimples: rub it over the blemishes for 2-3 minutes. If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and that also fight against the occurrence of new ones. Coconut is one of the best treatments I've found for acne.

Skin care acne treatment is one of the most misunderstood topics there is when it comes to acne skin care. Treatment with raw apple cider vinegar will work better on your skin if it isn't already noticeably irritated from acne medicines, acne products or other failed treatment.

Coconut oil is very inexpensive, therefore, a good, cheap home remedy. Never underestimate the healing, restorative power of a good night's sleep.

Acne scars result from increased tissue formation, response to the inflammation of acne and loss of tissue. Whether acne scarring is deep or superficial, extensive or scattered, the end result can be less than desirable and even disturbing. The type and depth of acne scars influences the choice of treatment.

People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation. When you change your diet, your lesions should be getting better within 30 days. Some alternative doctors recommend eating raw cloves of garlic daily for acne.

Fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin. Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. Use flaxseed oil or walnut oil in your salad.

Many skin conditions can be converted into healthy skin using natural home remedies. The skin is subject to constant attack from without, so can be affected by numerous conditions, diseases and ailments.

With cheap, safe, simple, natural, effective, alternative home treatments for acne and pimples, your skin should be well on its way to recovery. Analyze all the acne treatments available and make the best decision for you, based on your circumstances. Pick 2-3 home remedies or natural treatments and try them out on your skin carefully.

For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments.

Acne Myths: The Truth About 7 Acne Myths

Acne myths: Don't believe everything they say about acne.

For several years I struggled with acne it was around the ago of seventeen and twenty However I wished to get more information about acne myths. For example is it really true that you can get acne from eating a bar of chocolate each day? Can I help acne with washing my skin more? Stress causes acne?

And I'm sure you find this the funniest one. You can get ride of acne by having sex or masturbating. Bullshit or not? You will find the answers to your question here in these article.

7 Acne myths and the truth about them.

Myth 1: Will I get acne by eating chocolate and fat food?

Eating chocolate and fat foot can make you fat, very fat and it's not healthy at all.

But acne is not caused by eating chocolate, fat food or sugar.

Research and studies found out that acne is not primarily linked to these products

Myth 2: Is washing your face a good way to prevent acne?

You need to wash your face at least twice a day for medical reasons.

Acne is not caused by poor hygiene. It may surprise you but don't believe it.

In fact washing your face to often can make your acne worse?

I would recommend to wash your face twice a day in the morning in the evening, not more.

Don't forget to past dry it and to use a appropriate acne treatment?

Myth 3: Acne is only something for teenagers.

Yes it's true most people who have or start having acne are in their early teens.

But the truth is anyone can get acne. Also your genes plays a roll probably you mother and father or grandparents had acne it's a change you will get it too. Even babies can get acne.

Myth 4: Does stress causes acne?

This is a common mistake if you have stress there is a chance you will get Acne urticata.

Acne urticata is a form of eczema so not really acne in the real meaning of the word.

However this myth is true you can get acne or more acne if you have stress.

Stress is a part of the modern human life so it's almost impossible to ban it from your life.

Try to get a healthy life, a balanced diet and a good night's rest. And be careful with drugs to prevent stress they can consider acne as well.

Myth 5: Can sex and masturbation lead to acne?

I think this myth is from the same people who said you can become deaf by having sex or masturbating. If you reach puberty your body experiences hormonal changes. True these changes you can get acne but it's not related to your sexual activity.

Myth 6: Squeezing out my pimples is a good idea?

Don't do it, squeezing out the pimple can damage the cells under your skin.

The cells under your pimples can be inflamed or even worse leave a permanent scar.

Myth 7: Where can I get acne? Is it only on my face?

The most common place where you can get acne is your face.

But you can get acne on any part of the body. On your arms, legs or on your back are also common forms where you can get it.

As you can see not everything they tell you about acne is true.

I hope this acne myth article gave you an answer of your most burning questions about it.

Of course there is a lot more to know about it, so don't forget to do your own research

Frederik blogs about acne, a blog with well researched information about acne. The facts are not based on his own opinion but on several hours of research. In his blog he describes a technique how to become acne free in three days without the help of drugs or expensive products.

Visit his blog today for more information

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Severe acne remedies - the past, present and the future all seek more clear

There are four types of severe acne, acne conglobata, Acne Fulminans, Gram-negative Folliculitis and nodulocystic acne. And each has the potential to create emotional turmoil and unparralleled social anxiety in the lives of its sufferers. Severe acne can not only be disfiguring physical, but the years of treatment are almost a given. It is up to Accutane advent. In the world of the appeal of the severe acne Accutane has isotretinoin of the active ingredient, burst on the scene of severe acne remedies in the 1980s and has to receive high praise as the only drug with the ability to restrict permanently acne outbreaks after only a single treatment.

One series of studies of 2006, the very efficient Accutane and Roaccutane, one or other of the remedies severe acne featuring isotretinoin as active ingredient, resulted in the rehabilitation long-term acne in Eighty five of his patients. And as experts say, no severe acne medication showed the promise of Accutane. But introduction of the Accutane for the world of cures for severe acne has been long coming, there is a long history of innovation having failed in the field of drug above the huge success of Accutane acne.

The history of the use of severe acne

Acne is as old as civilization, so it didn't take long for the ancient Romans took on the fact that this red, irritating the skin with a tendency to pop (literally) on the skin disorder, while the less desired would be wound really canker. Just check out Medicinia by the Roman writer Celsus. The scholar extensively chronicled the acne, from a societal perspective. For the Romans, the ultimate treatment for severe acne was a hot bath. Without much to work with, ancient Rome was stuck with mineral water rich in sulfur as a treatment of acne. The entrance of the 19th century brought with it the dermatologist - and not a little more knowledge of how to go about creating a list of severe acne remedies. Instead of bath, nineteenth-century dematologists were anxious to use sulfur as a treatment of acne.

The valves were defining streets roaring fire in the 1920s, benzoyl peroxide has been presented as one of the first widely successful severe acne remedies. A success that followed it chemical in the twenty-first century. Benzoyl peroxide is placed over the area of acne conducted in the form of a gel or cream. After invoke some initial dryness and irritation, benzoyl peroxide starts to support as a peeling agent and works as an antibiotic.

The introduction of antibiotics-well, the first time that they were made available at least marked the 1950s. Almost instantly the connection has been established between antibacterial drugs and their role as possible as one of the remedies of severe acne. Acne antibiotics taken orally first, before later making the upgrade to topical creams. The 1960s was a decade who would remember change and changes in severe acne remedies would pave the way for the progress of the era Accutane. During this period, vitamin a and the retin has been used as treatment of acne, this combination of isotretinoin has been developed you know the rest.

While many severe acne remedies of the past is fallen by waistside, many of the older methods are being reintroduced today. The ancient Romans were perhaps to something when they suggested the spa treatment as a cure for acne.

The future of the use of severe acne

For years, the laser surgery was believed to reduce the presence of acne scars, but what happens if even surgery could prevent disorder never forming? In 2006, researchers began to scrutinize the probability that the laser surgery may mark the new era of cures for severe acne. According to experts, lasers can work in three ways, starting with the burning of the follicle gland. The sebaceous glands is the organic producer of oil. Laser surgery may be able to treat acne from the combustion of the gland. Surgery may also be expected to introduce oxygen into the skin bacteria, kill accordingly.

Get rid of your acne treatment and acne scar removal that really work by visiting, a popular Web site that provides Acne fighting tips, advice and resources to include information on home remedies for chewing.

Natural Acne Treatments - An Alternative Acne Therapy?

Do you believe that natural acne treatments can be an effective way to treat acne? Million of acne sufferers are using natural acne treatments to achieve clear skin. Worldwide, natural acne treatments are working with sensational results for men, women, and children. With virtually 17 million people in the United States afflicted with acne, there is now new research proving that natural acne treatments are actually curing this disfiguring skin disease.

Natural acne products supply the skin with the essential and healthy ingredients it needs to fight off acne infections. Natural acne treatment can even enhance the circulation and the flow of the nutrients to the skin, shield the skin against impurities and toxins that can trigger acne, and it can aid to soothe and moisturize the skin for a healthy grow. Natural acne treatments help to cleanse the system, and results in clearer, more hydrated skin. Besides being effective, there are three additional reasons why natural acne treatments are most desirable: they have hardly any side effects, are easy on the pocket, and easy to make right in the privacy of your own home.

Natural Acne Treatments Have Minimal Side Effects

Natural acne treatments are a limitless and creative way to beat acne, get fantastic looking skin, and most importantly of all, control what you apply to your face. Some of the most common natural acne treatments have been used for centuries. New studies are showing that natural acne treatments are providing relief to acne sufferers all over the world. A number of natural acne treatments are available, do not require a prescription, and can also be rather effective. With literally no side effects, and the fact that you are in complete control, these natural acne treatments really are the best way to fight the war against acne.

Natural Acne Treatments Are Easy on the Pocket

The super news is that since the products for natural treatments are often found in the kitchen or the grocery store, the cost is a fraction of some of the very expensive and sometimes-ineffective prescription medications.

Natural Acne Treatments Are Easy to Make

When it comes to natural acne treatments, homemade treatments have to be among the most beneficial natural acne treatments that you can use. Homemade natural acne treatments are so easy to prepare and, not only do they help to fight against acne breakouts, but they also take care of blackheads and blemishes, helping to give your skin the smoother, healthier looking appearance we all desire. The best natural acne treatments are great because many can be taken internally as well as applied externally (topically).

To summarize the benefits of natural acne treatment, you can avoid ever having to make an appointment with a dermatologist, your body will profit from healthier eating, and you are not exposing your skin to harsh chemicals. Of course, there is usually a substantial amount of time from the beginning of the treatment until definite results are observed. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural acne treatments to choose from which will produce great results for many acne patients. Believe it or not, many home acne remedies give just as good results as prescription and over-the-counter medicines and they won't cost you hardly anything. So why not give home acne remedies a try? What have you got to lose?

Dan Wright has published The Acne Help Pages, an extensive resource of information on acne, its causes and treatments.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Is the Real Truth Behind Acne? Helping Your Teen Get Through with His Self Esteem Intact

Acne affects about 80% of all teenagers and adolescents. This skin condition is so common among young people that it is considered a normal part of growing up. Acne skin care is something that everyone should be familiar with. In the majority of cases you don't need to resort to professional skin care to help your child with acne and to help prevent outbreaks as much as possible.

Many people wonder about the cause of acne and how they can prevent it and have healthy skin for the rest of their lives. If your teenager is suffering from acne, he may be experiencing a tough time emotionally and as a parent you want to be able to help him with this. You need some knowledge about acne skin care if you hope to help your child cope with this condition.

Most adolescents get the skin condition around the time of puberty. Girls get it at about 11 years old and boys at 13. It may last through the teen years and even into the twenties. Most professionals agree that there is no prevention for acne. If you are going to get it, you will get it regardless. However, there are things you can do to affect the severity of it.

Types of Acne

To understand acne and how to help your teen with it, you need to know what acne really is. There are two basic types of acne that exist:

1. Non-inflammatory-- has a few whiteheads and blackheads on the face, may appear sporadically.

2. Inflammatory-- has whiteheads that become inflamed and pimples or cysts develop.

Acne causes inflammation and blemishes to appear on the skin usually on the face but also on other parts of the body such as the neck, back, shoulders and even the buttocks. Samples of blemishes you could have include:

o Whiteheads

o Blackheads

o Papules

o Pustules

o Nodules (severe acne)

o Cysts (severe acne)

Acne Myths

With something that has been around as long as acne and that affects so many people, it is no surprise that there are a lot of myths floating around regarding it. Everyone claims to have some home remedy or quick fix to help with the problem of acne but you must be careful with what advice you take and make sure you learn to recognize the myths from the facts. If you want to help your teenager get through this skin condition, you need to weed through the myths and discover the truth.

o There's no scientific evidence that junk foods or chocolate cause acne or make it worse.

o Still, some people notice certain foods seem to trigger acne.

o Poor hygiene, oily skin and hair do not cause acne, but can impede treatment.

o The idea that the sun improves acne by drying out greasy skin is not correct.

o Washing your face multiple times throughout the day will improve your acne. (once or twice normally is enough, over washing can cause more trauma to the skin of the face)

o Exercise will not make acne worse. Clogged pores due to sweat from exercise can irritate the condition.

The exact cause of acne is not known but studies have shown many contributing factors that can make your acne worse. Whether your child has oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, pimples, a rash or painful cysts and ulcers, it's important to know what skin care will work for acne. There are also basic hygiene tips that will help your teenager improve their acne skin.

Treating Acne

Here are some things you should make sure your teenager is doing to help clear the skin from acne.

1. Wash your face once or twice a day with usual soap and cleaner.

2. Avoid food or drinks you believe to be a trigger.

3. Avoid sleeping with makeup on.

4. Avoid heavy makeup or makeup altogether if it seems to make it worse. (makeup clogs the pores)


You may choose to try over the counter medications to help improve the acne skin. If home remedies for your acne skin care don't work, see a dermatologist. Drugs can be prescribed for more severe cases, including gels, creams and oral antibiotics. Doctors may surgically drain large abscesses. There are also medications and treatments available to help with acne scarring.

Don't assume that your teen will just naturally outgrow acne and tell him to 'get over it' or 'wait it out'. Lack of treatment will cause the acne to get worse and can even lead to permanent problems and scarring later. This is not even considering the emotional trauma that goes along with a teen that has acne. The face is the first thing people notice about you and the teenage years is a time when looks matter quite a bit.

Acne Scarring

Unfortunately, scarring is a common problem associated with teenager acne. The acne will eventually clear up as your child grows older but scars can remain for a lifetime. The more severe the acne, the more severe the scarring that results will be.

There are different methods of removing or lessening the affects of acne scarring but be warned that most are very expensive. They include:

o Laser treatment

o Filler substances

o Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion

o Chemical peels

o Topical treatment

o Keloid scar therapy

The best method is always prevention as much as possible. What are some ways your teen can prevent acne scarring?

1. Never pop, pick or scratch at your acne blemishes.

2. Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching the face or applying treatment.

3. Always apply treatment exactly as described.

4. Don't over-wash the acne skin and cause more irritation.

5. Keep your acne as controlled as possible (with your doctor's help).

Remember: the more you mess with it, the worse you can make it.

Proper skin care is very important to the treatment of acne. These tips will help you get the most of your results and help your teen cope with this common skin condition.

Simon Petch is a successful writer and Internet Publisher providing valuable tips, advice and product reviews on all aspects of beauty [] care including skin care [] products and perfume [].

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Not Just For Teens - Does Your Baby Or Toddler Suffer From Acne?

Did you know that even babies get acne, not just teens?

Acne is associated with teenagers, but that is not the only age group that can have skin problems. Babies, young people, and adults can all suffer from bouts with annoying acne. Until recently, few people thought babies could have acne and believe the skin problems were rashes, but facts have proven otherwise.

Blemishes which appear to be acne can appear on a newborn or infant. If this happens to your child, do not panic. In fact, it is quite common for acne-like blemishes to appear on babies and these usually go away quickly without resorting to medications or visits to the doctor.

Frequently newborn babies get acne breakouts which are caused by the oil which is naturally present on the skin getting trapped in hair follicles. Often, these bumps appear on the cheeks but can be seen also on the forehead or chin also.

But what should you do if your newborn has acne bumps appearing?

Basically, you simply need to continue bathing and caring for the tender skin just as normal. Use a clean, soft cloth each time you bathe or wash the baby's body or face. Also, select soaps and cleansing products that are especially made for babies and are also hypoallergenic.

You will probably see rapid improvement in the acne. However, if you do not see improvement or should the blemishes become worse, change soaps or baby wash products. If that doesn't quickly take care of the problem, then you should discuss the acne with your baby's doctor.

Teen Acne

Any one, of any age, can have an acne blemish appear from time to time. Problematic acne, however, usually begins around the time a young person reaches puberty. While teens are going through the changes associated with adolescence, acne appears and results in their agonizing over every blemish every day.

Teen acne is not the end of the world; it only seems that way to the teen with the blemishes. Acne, when severe or not treated properly, can impact self esteem. It is very important that a teen become educated about acne and how to fight it from a reliable source: YOU! Otherwise, they may try anything and everything, much of which may actually make the acne worse.

For example, your teen may be told that chocolate or oily food causes acne. This is not true; it is an old wives tale. The oily face, neck, back, and arms appear because of the natural increase in body oil production which comes at puberty. Then, when oil becomes trapped in pores, acne blemishes are the result.

Another acne misconception is that a person with blemishes does not clean their skin well. However, it is true that too much washing of tender facial skin can irritate the existing blemishes and cause more acne to form as oil becomes trapped in pores from over-scrubbing.

Acne Prevention and Treatment

Total prevention of acne is, in most cases, simply impossible. However, proper skin care can reduce the acne outbreaks. Teach your child early in life to gently wash their face twice each day with a soft washcloth, warm water, and a mild hypoallergenic facial cleansing product or soap.

Take the time to teach you daughter, or son if he is agonizing over blemishes, how to apply concealer properly, choosing only noncomedogenic products which will not clog pores and cause acne. Also, teach your teens that failure to remove any makeup completely before going to bed is just asking for acne blemishes. Teach your children not to pop acne bumps because that can really make things worse and result in scarring.

As a first line of defense, help your child select over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatment products which contain benzoyl peroxide. These products are quite effective in controlling mild to moderate acne problems. Check the listing of ingredients and compare products available because generic brands may have exactly the same ingredients as more expensive brands. Choose a product that contains the highest quantity of benzoyl peroxide.

When using any new skin product, be sure to do a patch test by applying a dab under the jaw or other area that is not conspicuous, and wait 24 hours to ensure there is no allergic reaction to the product.

After beginning acne treatment with an OTC product, use the product as instructed for four to six weeks. If there has been no improvement in the acne problem, you should take your son or daughter to their doctor or a dermatologist. These health care practitioners can prescribe acne treatments that are much stronger than those available over the counter.

Acne outbreaks in children and teens can really upset them emotionally at this sensitive time in life. You want to provide a strong emotional support network for your offspring and help your child survive the acne outbreak without allowing the social stigma to cause them sleepless nights and other stress-related problems.

If you, your child, or your teen experiences acne problems, it is important to begin treating the acne blemishes promptly. If allowed to become infect, acne blemishes can leave permanent scars, but if treated this does not have to become a life-long problem.

Next Step: If you suffer from acne there's no reason you have to any longer. People everywhere are curing their acne and doing it fast. Find out all the secrets at:

Prevent and treat the acne scars

The physical scars are one of the most devastating effects that Acne can leave behind. Regardless of the severity of acne, acne scars can occur even to those who suffer the mildest form of acne. However, the more severe types of Acne can leave scars which are much more visible and which can be very difficult to get rid of even with the best drugs.

Fortunately, the good news is that there are things you can do to treat and in many cases even prevent the acne scars. For example, you can avoid acne scars form properly cleaning your skin and stopping popping chewing. This means step develop scars, but at least you will have the opportunity to avoid their. For people suffering from severe types of acne lesions on the stay of the skin during a period much longer than in milder forms, acne scars so are almost inevitable in these cases. In the cystic acne, for example, nodules or cysts can remain on the skin for weeks (or months) and may leave scars very visible.

Each type of acne may leave different types of scars. It is therefore important to know the type of acne, you have to process correctly. You should also know about your skin type as the treatment and healing may vary depending on your skin type. Let's go on the different types of acne scars.

Peak at ice scars are generally small, with a jagged edge. Although the peak at ice scars are very common, they are generally easier types of scars to treat.

Car scars are angular scars. Usually, they affect the temple and cheeks and can be superficial or deep. Car scars are also very similar to those caused by varicella.

There is also hypertrophic scars. These types of acne scars are thickened scars. Hypertrophic scars are also associated with more severe types of acne.

Another type of acne scars is known as the scar of turnover. Rolling scars give the skin a wave aspect.

Acne scars are a very serious matter and get rid of their is real hard work. The best advice is to seek treatment by a physician. For many people, some combination of treatments is to give good results. But to get the right combination, you need to consult a medical professional. There are key factors that will play a critical role in the success or failure of any acne treatment, that you use. Two of these factors include the type of scarring that you and your skin type. Treatment of acne scars reported more success for those on the face. On the other hand, treatment for those on the back and chest gave poor results.

Prevent acne from the beginning, it is always the best thing to do to avoid acne scars. Prevention is always the ideal solution. However, for those who had become victims of this skin disease, treat acne as soon as possible after it seems can help prevent the acne scars. Thus, a golden rule is always to take measures to combat and prevent Acne to minimize the chance of having to deal with the formation of deep and lasting scars.

Also, as previously mentioned, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a physician. This is especially true when you are not sure how best to treat your acne or its scars. Note that for the scars caused by the severe types of acne, cystic acne, as medical care are a must and not an option. Without this help, you will have a chance to know what treatment will work best for your acne.

Have a good understanding of your specific condition of acne will help you work towards a possible solution. Your type of acne, skin type and the type of scarring your skin condition-related are three very important factors into account to decide which treatment to use.

Article by Learn to learn more about the scars of acne [], acne scar removal [] and other important information from acne treatments.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Is That Acne On Your Back? Causes and Treatments for Back Acne

Back acne can be a very uncomfortable and unpleasant skin condition. As its name implies, it is acne that appears on the body, particularly the back, although it can also be found in other areas such as the shoulders, upper arms and even the buttocks.

Back acne can be as simple as a few pimples and whiteheads but it can also come in a more severe form that also includes blackheads, cysts and pustules. Back acne is not only unsightly, it can also be painful and later cause scarring, which tends to be permanent.

What causes back acne?

Essentially, that acne on your back is just acne and its cause is still unknown. What is known, however, is that back acne usually occurs in pubescent girls and boys, although it can also be found in adults. When young teens enter puberty, this is also the time when their sebaceous glands become active. Sebaceous glands produce sebum, the oil which our bodies naturally create.

This is a normal process. The problem begins when the body produces too much sebum. This clogs up the hair follicles and the pores, making the skin an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes. This bacteria causes a skin infection that produces redness and swelling. As a result, pimples appear. When they become enlarged, become filled with pus and liquid, multiply and produce lesions, you get acne on your back.

Who gets acne?

In the same manner as it is not fully understood why some people get acne while others don't, it is also not known why back acne occurs in some people while others remain pimple-free. However, some studies have shown that back acne tends to run in families so if some people in your family have back acne, that probably explains why you have it, too. Back acne also tends to appear in people who sweat profusely. It can also appear in women taking hormones.

Can tight or heavy clothing cause back acne?

There is no proof that certain clothing cause back acne, nor has a direct link between backpacks and back acne been established. However, these factors seem to contribute to excessive sweating, which exacerbates a back acne condition.

How do I treat back acne?

Body skin is a lot more resilient and tough compared to facial skin, but that is not an excuse to be rough on that acne on your back. The treatment for back acne may be slightly different but it is by no means less gentle.

Start with a sensible skin-cleansing regimen. Use an antibacterial soap or a specially formulated soap for acne to help prevent further infections and break outs. Shower on a regular basis and give extra care and attention to the affected area of the back. Thoroughly dry your skin with a clean towel.

Use an anti-acne product such as a topical cream containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Just be careful with using benzoyl peroxide because it has mild bleaching characteristics which might bleach the fabric of your clothes. Either wait for the ointment or gel to dry before putting on clothes or just wear something white.

If you engage in activities where you sweat excessively, make sure to take a shower immediately after. Always wear fresh, clean clothes and choose fabrics made with natural fibers. You should also wear fabrics that absorb moisture well to make sure that you keep perspiration away from your skin.

Some back acne treatments can dry the skin, especially those that exfoliate. When skin is too dry, it can also be prone to break outs. To protect your skin from excessive dryness, use non-comedogenic lotions or moisturizers.

Other treatments

Back acne is more difficult to treat because it is spread across a much wider area. If using a topical cream seems impractical and ineffective, you might want to ask your doctors for alternative solutions. Back acne may also be treated with topical antibiotics, injections, oral contraceptives and laser therapy. Always ask for your doctor's recommendation before using another form of treatment to ensure you do not aggravate your skin's condition.

If scarring has occurred, don't worry. There are surgical and cosmetic means with which to help improve your skin's appearance. Procedures such as laser therapy, excision and skin needling are just a few options you can ask your doctor about to help get rid of that acne on your back.

What about that backpack?

If you find that carrying a backpack seems to aggravate your back acne condition, use another means with which to carry stuff around. You can either wait until that acne on your back clears and use that backpack again or you can give it up altogether.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as acne on your back [], acne rosacea treatment [] and chest acne []. The site features well-researched articles on the different types of acne, their causes and their treatment. There are reviews of the varied approaches to acne, including laser surgery for acne scars, home remedies, different brands of acne soaps and face wash, over-the-counter acne medications as well prescription medicines.

L'acné Cures: Y a-t-il un remède naturel de l'acné qui fonctionne ?

Are there natural acne remedies working or is it a myth of the new era? Is there a permanent cure for acne or is all people who suffer from acne, sentenced to the Sisyphean battle combat 'on the surface' symptoms? Is there an honest, natural and safer alternative to endless use of meter and unpleasant side effects inflicted by conventional drugs, creams and topical treatments for Acne?

Most dermatologists and other followers of Western medicine have already responded by claiming that acne, among other diseases cannot simply be corrected to this controversial question.

There are two reasons for this:

1. Most dermatologists don't know even what the real cause of acne. It is incredible, but true. They are very familiar with the symptoms of acne and they specialize in the fight against the symptoms 'on the surface', but unfortunately they cannot tell you what are the internal conditions that cause your acne to form in the first place. If you don't believe me just ask your dermatologist.

2. More than doctors to work in collaboration with pharmaceutical and drug companies and the latter is not motivated, so to speak, to discover a cure for acne or AIDS or Cancer - simply because hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent to find treatments for the symptoms of the disease. Why? simply because their overall objective is to make more profit by creating consumer dependency. By applying medications and creams that merely treat the symptoms while ignoring the source or the internal cause of the disease, acne will be never healed. The victim of the average acne will become more and more dependent on drugs that temporarily calm symptoms and this means that income regular drugs and pharmaceutical companies.

There is a lovely metaphor describing acne among other chronic disease and medicine in modern way treats of these conditions: If you manage to kill all the mosquitoes around a mare tainted with chemicals, for some time, no there are no mosquitoes.

But, since the source of the problem (which causes mosquitoes to appear) is still there - pond Rassi, sickening where mosquitoes can find food and a fertile ground for laying their eggs – mosquitoes will always return!

The same thing with your acne!

Without eliminating the source of your acne condition, you will never get rid of your acne. Without fixing the internal problem that causes your acne, you will find temporary relief, but your acne will always come back to what you do something fundamental to eradicate the cause of Interior... until you make the pond (your body or your internal system), a place where 'mosquitoes' cannot exist.

Ultimately, each disease is the result of a breach in your organization. All the major diseases and chronic conditions are early warning signs of something of very fundamentally wrong inside. Deepak Chopra refers to this as "the violation of the simple laws of nature that make our body of the function.

The very surprising truth is that you are lucky to have acne. Let me explain...Acne, like constant headaches, the syndrome of irritable or dandruffs is only a small message of your body that something is wrong internally and should be addressed and corrected.

Now, there are two choices, you can do - you can:

1. Ignore this error - bog! The internal imbalance that caused your acne will transform, in most cases, a chronic disease. Now, instead of having just acne, you start having other hormonal imbalance or toxic overload related symptoms in addition to acne. Because the internal problem is not fixed, the symptoms of the disease get more intense.

2 Listen to your body and start to correct the internal problem that causes your acne to appear in the first place; You will have not only get rid of your acne you will also achieve the complexion of the skin beautiful, healthy, same tonic, rebalance your body and prevent future hormonal or toxic overload related conditions.

How about simple truth... you are out of balance. We now live a way of life "far-of-natural." There are over 300 synthetic industrial chemicals present in our bodies that did not exist 50 years ago. We are filled with toxins from the food and drugs ingest us and use.

In determining the internal condition that causes your acne to adopt a healthy lifestyle (healthy eating and mindset, cleanse and detoxify, hormonal balancing etc.) you will put your rear body - holistic - balancing of your acne will cease to exist and you feel as healthy and attractive than ever!

Regardless of what type of acne you have. If you have: Acne Vulgaris, Acne Conglobata, acne rosacea, Acne Fulminans, blackheads, whiteheads, Papules, Pustules, Nodules or cysts: the principles needed to treat your acne are basically the same. The "holistic" ways of treatment of persons have been around thousands of years, and they absolutely work if you have teenagers or adult acne; If you have acne on your back, shoulders or chest or if you suffer from female related acne such as menopause acne or acne due to monthly cycles.

Regardless of your condition acne is, when you decide finally to stop same acne treatment mistakes that have been holding you back and begin applying the holistic approach to curing acne, you can literally become clear and stay clear. You will have the power to do so.

For more information on the book of healing of acne of Mike Walden, visit: book healing acne

For more information on acne cures visit: Cures for acne

Mike Walden is certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, consultant in natural health and author of the # 1 best-selling e-book, "acne no more - open the door to an acne free Life." " Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in online and print magazines, magazines as well as on hundreds of Web sites around the world. For more information about Mike holistic clear skin program, visit:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Do You Know Which Is The Best Acne Treatment For You?

Do you wish that there was just one treatment that you could use to clear up your acne?

Whether you're a teen or an adult, if you battled acne you've gone through countless medicines looking for the best acne treatment. An inflammatory skin eruption that most commonly affects the neck, face, shoulders, and upper back, acne is perhaps the single most common skin affliction, and there are thousands of acne treatment products claiming to be the best.

But in truth, there are any number of acne medicines, soaps, creams and gels that could work for you - the best acne treatment for one person may be not the solution for someone else. This is because everyone's skin is different, as is the degree and cause of their acne. The best acne treatment for you could be an inexpensive, over-the-counter acne medicine with an alpha hydroxy formula, or one with salicylic acid. Or you might find that those do nothing to help your skin problems, and instead need a more expensive acne treatment program like Proactiv, or a more powerful, doctor-prescribed acne medicine like Accutane. It's usually only through trial and error that you'll find the acne product that works best for you.

When shopping for acne treatments, you should also consider the possible level of toxicity in the products you choose, which may cause health risks down the line. For that reason, many acne sufferers rely on natural remedies that have a lower risk of complications from their ingredients, and there are such a wide variety of natural products on the market, you may find that one of them is the best acne treatment for your skin.

One of the most popular natural acne treatments is Australian tea tree oil. This anti-bacterial, anti-fungal remedy has been used for centuries to treat athletes foot, body odor, bad breath, cold sores and acne. It's a strong substance, so adding just a few drops to a cotton ball then applying it to the affected area can help treat individual blemishes - this is not, however, a treatment for large patches of skin or your face, as tea tree oil is very drying. You can purchase bottles of tea tree oil online, at natural food stores and in some drugstores, and there are a number of acne products that use tea tree oil as a primary ingredient, such as The Body Shop's line of tea tree oil cleansers, toners and spot treatments, Skin Medica's line of toners and cleansers with tea tree oil, the 'Blemish Touch Stick' from Desert Essence, and Murad's acne treatment gels.

If you find that tea tree oil works as an acne treatment for you, find a line of products that you like and stick with it. Start with an antibacterial foaming cleanser - harsh exfoliating products will only irritate your skin and exacerbate your acne - follow it with a good astringent or toner, and then use an oil-free moisturizer, preferably one designed for problem skin. Philosophy's 'Hope in a Bottle' is one such acne product, designed specifically as an anti-acne, anti-aging formula by combining anti-bacterial ingredients with skin-soothing Vitamin E. Many companies like Murad, Dermatologica and Neutrogena sell moisturizers and spot acne treatments that work with a full line of acne products.

Adult acne is very common - in fact, 50 percent of adult women have it, as do 25 percent of men. Most adult acne can be easily treated to prevent breakouts, with the best acne treatment being a good regimen of cleansing followed by benzoyl peroxide directly on blemishes. In more severe cases, acne can be cured by retinoidal acne lotions like isotretinoin or by a hormonal treatment - usually drospirenone and cyproterone - under a doctor's supervision.

Dietary supplements containing antioxidants, vitamins, collagen and herbal extracts can be very beneficial to the skin and speed up recovery from severe breakouts. Talk to your dermatologist, and don't give up if the first acne medicine or treatment you try doesn't have satisfactory results - it may take awhile to find the best acne treatment for you.

Find out more about the Best Acne Treatments or even about Adult Acne [] for those of you who, like Michael Jennings, have been unfortunate to suffer from it.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Acne Treatment - Remove Acne Scars through Herbal Ways

What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition characterized by plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even upper arms.

Acne commonly starts in the early teen years, when the oil glands in the body start secreting excess sebum (oil).

Although acne is usually not a serious health threat, it can be a source of significant emotional distress. Severe acne can lead to permanent scarring.

Who gets acne?

# Anyone can get acne, but it is most common in teenagers. It may be worse in boys because they have more skin oils.

# Changing hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women two to seven days before their menstrual period starts.

# Heredity also plays a role. If your mother and father had bad acne, you may too get it.

# Some people are extra sensitive to the bacteria that are trapped in their hair follicles.

What causes acne?

The exact cause of acne is unknown, but doctors believe it results from several related factors.

One important factor is an increase in hormones called androgens (male sex hormones). These hormones increase in both boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and secrete more sebum. Hormonal changes related to pregnancy; starting or stopping of birth control pills can also cause acne in women.

Another factor is heredity. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents.

Certain cosmetics and drugs, including androgens, are known to cause acne. Greasy cosmetics may alter the cells of the follicles and make them stick together, giving rise to a plugged pore.

Environmental factors, such as grease, pollution and dirt.

Stress and tension - related to hormonal change.

Does acne in women become worse before periods?

Yes. Due to hormonal changes during menstruation, many women get acne two to seven days before their periods. This gets heightened in teenage years as lot of hormonal changes take place at this time.

Factors that can make acne worse -

Factors that can cause an acne flare include:

o Changing hormonal levels in adolescents. In girls and adult women, before their menstrual period starts

o Oil from cosmetics, skin products or grease

o Pressure from garments, helmets, sports gear, tight elastic

o Environmental irritants, such as pollution and high humidity

o Hard scrubbing of the skin

What kind of clothes/cosmetics affect acne?

If there is constant pressure resulting from headbands, bra straps, waist bands, it could cause acne eruption in those areas of the skin.

Certain cosmetics could lead to blackhead formation in the skin. Avoid hair oils, which induce blackheads and whiteheads along your hairline. Some people are also sensitive to suntan lotions.

Does acne cause scars?

Acne, especially cystic acne, can cause scars in some people. You can help reduce scarring by not squeezing blemishes. Also, avoid scrubbing your skin. If you do get scars, treatment is available.

Some truths about acne:

► Acne most often starts at around age 11 for girls and 13 for boys.

► There is no scientific evidence to prove that junk food and greasy foods cause acne.

► There's no scientific evidence to back up the claim that oily skin or hair causes acne

► If you or your spouse had acne as a teenager, there is likelihood that your teen will experience this.

Some myths about acne:

# Eating chocolate and greasy foods-like french-fries, burgers, causes acne breakouts.

# Getting a tan helps clear up acne.

# If you scrub your face more often, your skin will be clearer and you will not get acne.

# Dirty skin causes acne;

# Stress does not cause acne.

How is acne treated?

Acne is treated by skin specialists known as dermatologists.

The goal is to cure existing lesions, prevent new lesions from erupting, prevent scarring, and minimize the emotional pressure and embarrassment caused by acne. Not only girls, but also even boys face a very traumatic experience in their adolescent period. Drugs are used to reduce several problems that play a part in causing acne:

o abnormal clumping of cells in the follicles

o increased oil production

o bacteria

o Inflammation.

Depending on the extent of the problem as well as the type of acne, the doctor may recommend some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and/or prescription medicines. Some may be topical (applied to the skin), and others may be oral (taken by mouth).

How should people with acne take care of their skin?

# Clean skin gently.

# Avoid frequent handling of the skin - People who squeeze, pinch, or pick the pimples risk developing scars. They should avoid rubbing and touching their skin lesions.

# Shave carefully

# Choose cosmetics carefully

# Avoid a sunburn or suntan - many of the medicines used to treat acne can make a person more prone to sunburn.

Some home remedies for acne cure -

1. Dried orange peel pounded well with water. Applied to affected acne areas like a face mask. Remove after 10 minutes.

2. Grated pieces of cucumber to be applied on the affected area.

3. Rub the pimple with a fresh clove of garlic.

4. Drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins from body. It also imparts a healthy glow to the skin

5. A paste of Fenugreek (Methi) leaves applied overnight on acne and washed off next morning helps control the problem.

What works for one person may not work for another. What is an appropriate treatment for one person may not clear another's acne. Do not get impatient! Get medical treatment if your condition gets worse.

Read More on Treatments by Ayurveda and Home Remedies at

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Some truths about acne

Acne is a disease that affects the skin oil glands. It is so widespread that he regarded as a normal puberty part. Acne is usually placed in one of the three categories; mild, moderate or severe. Acne is the most common skin disorder seen by doctors. Acne is a disease usually associated with teenagers.

The face is the most common location of acne. You can get a natural drug treatment for the Chin area, hormonal part of the face, which occur monthly workshops. It usually appears on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back and chest.

Bacteria are so happy on the face, so you better get rid. Treat a skin or two times a week to the face mask Tea Tree oil deep cleansing Tea Tree oil facial Scrub for exfoliation.

You are hampered by the buttons on your face?

You are not the only one; thousands of teens around the world suffer every day with this terrible affliction. But there is, good assistance and help. Here are some good tips...

Wash your face after any activity which could make you perspire, as exercise. Avoid any oily or greasy substance on your face.

Doctors treat all kinds of acne, particularly serious cases. Work on new drugs to treat acne; Looking for ways to prevent plugs; looking for ways to stop the hormone testosterone to cause acne. There are a number of remedies available in pharmacies over-the-counter to treat mild acne.

There are several types of topical prescription drugs that can treat acne, including antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, adabalene and azelaic acid. Sometimes pills are used with a drug called spironolactone to treat acne in adult females.

Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid and sulfur are the most common prescription drugs used to treat acne. Some herbs that purify the blood of toxins by improving the functioning of the liver are used to treat acne.

Treat acne naturally with the tips of your kitchen. For more home remedies on how to treat acne naturally, visit the web site of acne Blog

The youth

Dermatologists encourage parents to receive medical treatment for adolescents with acne and warn against taking a "wait" and "see" approach. Most adolescents have Acne to a certain extent.

In General, adolescents are more likely to have problems with acne due to hormones associated with this period of life. Stress in adolescents because acne is a very real problem. The youth health issues include acne, stress, eating disorders and headaches. Unfortunately, this has led to concerns of the appearance of many adolescents.

Most of the adolescents with acne tend to develop a negative image of itself that can have an impact on their lives. Therefore the faster get you fixed soon you will be going out with friends, enjoy life to its maximum.

Adolescents stress can often be attributed to acne. Most of the adolescents with acne lean to use an image of itself harmful. It can be very embarrassing for many adolescents that is the very delicate time in their lives. I have heard of teenagers Birth Control can help fight acne and clear Acne as well.

Acne is a very common disease. Acne is so widespread that he regarded as a normal puberty part. Did you know that acne is the most common skin disorder seen by doctors.

Acne is usually placed in one of the three categories; mild, moderate or severe. Acne is a disease usually associated with teenagers. It is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions, commonly called buttons. Acne is a disease and as such should be treated with care and comprehensive.

It is a disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Acne is a skin condition that usually begins at puberty. The key to successful with any medication acne treatment is ensuring that the young person actually uses medication every day, even when acne is not active.

Len Cecchetto suffers from acne for years and now committed itself to research the latest cures. You can find more information on acne on his site: acne Blog