Friday, December 2, 2011

Healthy Diet for Acne Treatment

Acne also known about Pimples, and Zits. Acne is a common skin disease that causes pimples. Acne is worldwide problem. Acne occurs when the natural oils that the skin produces clogs the pores of the skin. Acne is not just a problem for teenagers, it can affect people from ages 10 through 40. Pimples form when hair follicles under your skin clog up. Most pimples form on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty stimulated by male hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys and girls. Oil is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin, and under certain circumstances, cells that are close to the surface block the openings of sebaceous glands and cause a buildup of oil underneath. There are many misconceptions and rumours about acne. Several factors are known to acne. Hormone changes, such as those during the teenage years and pregnancy, probably play a role. There are many myths about what causes acne. Chocolate and greasy foods are often blamed, but there is little evidence that foods have much effect on acne in most people. Heredity with the exception of very severe acne, most people do not have the problem exactly as their parents did. Almost everyone has some acne at some point in their life. Most cosmetic and skin care products are not pore-clogging ("comedogenic.") Of the many available brands, those which are listed as "water-based" or "oil-free" are generally a better choice. Some medications may cause or worsen acne, such as those containing iodides, bromides, or oral or injected steroids (either the medically prescribed prednisone or the steroids bodybuilders or athletes take.).

Comedonal acne most often infects the forehead and the chin. Many teenagers get this type of acne. This acne might get worsen due to hormonal changes, humid weather and oily cosmetics such as sun-screens and petro-jelly based moisturizers. Cystic acne is often cause by the pinching or squeezing of small pus-filled acne. This causes the pus to burst deep into the skin tissue. This triggers a body mechanism which sends white blood cells to the infected site to fight off bacteria. This results in swelling, causes deep rooted inflammation, and this deep infection causes pain. So keep in mind to keep your hands off your acne-infected skin, otherwise you will be spreading the infection deeper and creating more trouble for yourself. One severe form of acne is acne conglobata . This acne affects the face, chest and back extensively. It is a severe form of nodular cystic acne vulgaris. It is characterized by a presence of multiple inflamed and non-inflamed nodules and scars. It is commonly found in men. Acne fulminans is a rare and very severe form of acne conglobata associated with systemic symptoms. It nearly always affects males.Infantile acne takes place in newborn babies, although not frequently. Sometimes it's even present at the time of birth. It's a mild form of acne and settles down in a few months. The reason is supposed to be fetal hormones, but sometimes excessive testosterone and follicle stimulating hormones are also found to be cause of infantile acne.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it helps other organs with eliminating waste. One of the best acne treatments is a diet. Diet is a classic scapegoat for acne. the best natural acne treatments is diet which has many home remedies for acne in the foods that we eat. If you are unhealthy inside it will be reflected in your skin. bad diet is not a cause of acne. There are plenty of people in the world with very poor diets and excellent skin, however unjust that seems. There are several nutrients found in foods that promote an overall healthy body. Use Stevia, the no calorie natural sweetener rather than sugar. Regularly eating breads, cakes, chips and other staples of Western culture is likely to promote acne.Peanuts and peanut butter may provoke acne in some individuals.Eat as many vegetables as you wish, preferably organic. Eat a wide variety, not just the few that most American eat. The combination of fish and vegetables is likely to be the healthiest meal for those with acne. Increase intake of foods that may improve acne such as fish (halibut, salmon, tuna, sardines). These contain important omega 3 oils such as EPA and DHA. They will make a difference in the health of your skin. Using herbs to provide nutrients to your liver and other organs, as well as for cleansing. Vitamin B-2 is great at alleviating stress so obtaining B-2 can help keep acne at bay.Niacin or Vitamin B-3 improves circulation, promoting healthy skin. It also helps reduce cholesterol level in the blood and helps metabolize protein, sugar, and fat.

Juliet Cohen writes articles on acne treatment and acne home remedies. She also writes articles on skin disorders.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Treating Acne Naturally With Diet And Other Treatments That Work

The main problem with most of the acne treatments and acne products is that not everyone reacts the same way to the same treatment; in other words what worked for one may not work for another. Because I'm a registered nurse and have come in contact with many acne patients, I've learned a lot over the years about acne, acne scars, acne treatments and treatments for other skin conditions. Living with acne can be very difficult, and it may be even more difficult to find just the right acne treatment for you.

The most commonly known types of pimples are whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. Acne is the most common of all skin diseases. Baby acne is basically a rash seen on the cheeks, chin, and forehead of infants. Acne rosacea is a red rash seen predominantly on the face.

Experts usually don't agree on what causes acne. If you've heard that dirty skin causes acne, it doesn't - it's definitely not true. Doctors think certain factors might cause or contribute to acne including, but not only, hormone increases in teenage years, hormone changes in pregnancy, starting or stopping of birth control pills, heredity, medicines and greasy make-up.

When you wash your face use a very soft touch, taking care not to rub or scrub your skin too hard. Since the latest research indicates a connection between stress and acne, make a serious effort to cut down on stress any way that you can. For the best acne treatment, which has worked for many, apply (preferably organic) virgin coconut oil to the area daily; try it on a small test area for a day or two first.

If you wear make-up make sure to choose it very carefully; it should be free of any oils. Too many chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oil protection and the skin will overproduce oil to compensate for it, blocking your pores and causing even more acne. Treatment with raw organic apple cider vinegar will work better on your skin if it isn't already noticeably irritated from acne medicines, acne products or other failed treatment.

Try not to touch your affected skin to eliminate any possible contamination. One treatment method that some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. It bears repeating, you want to be good to your delicate skin and never, never pop or squeeze a pimple no matter how tempting.

Besides an acne condition, if you also have eczema or dry skin, coconut oil will treat those skin conditions too. Raw apple cider vinegar application to the skin is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or other types of blemishes. Try applying a very thin layer of coconut oil and massaging it deep into the skin to heal and soothe the affected area.

It's easy to treat acne cheaply, simply, naturally, yet still very effectively, at home. Drinking a lot of pure, filtered water may be one of the most important things you can do today for your acne, thus working from the inside out.

In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it's chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your usual diet will be the best treatment you can do for your acne and you'll achieve overall good health in the process. Adding a lot of fresh, raw fruit to the diet has helped many people clear up their skin conditions; there are tons of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables. To cure yourself of acne, you need to correct the problems that are going on inside of your body that are causing the acne.

When your liver gets overloaded with toxins it will send the toxins out through your skin as well as your other organs of elimination. Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne; you can chop one up finely and add it to your daily salad!

Use olive oil with a tablespoon of very fresh flaxseed oil in your salads. Good nutrition will help your skin from the inside out. The next time you want to have a snack, instead of junk food, help your skin by having an apple, orange, peach, pear, banana, plum, berries or other fruit.

Eating foods with EFA's (essential fatty acids) are particularly important for people with dry skin or acne. Eat at least one or two organic apples a day while working to clear up your skin; apples are good for skin health. Make sure they're organic so you can eat pesticide-free skin (most of the apple pectin is in the skin), which also helps with constipation.

Be assured that scientists are constantly looking at new non-invasive ways to treat acne. Naturally you can't expect to get rid of your acne in just a few days; natural treatments take a little time to work; but if you are persistent, you'll get blemish-free skin and won't experience any of the dangerous side effects that you might find in commercial acne medicines or treatments. Don't give up - try everything you can until you get relief from your acne condition.

For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

Acne in Adulthood

Acne is an often embarrassing and sometimes painful condition that is most commonly associated with the awkward teenage years. Adult acne is defined as the occurrence of acne in a person who is over the age of nineteen. Adult acne is thought to have hormonal roots. Adult acne encompasses cases of acne attributable to five of the six clinical types of acne - the only clinical acne type which is not responsible for acne in adults is infantile acne.

However, within the broad group of adult acne sufferers, there are two distinct sub-groups of patients, each of which share similar characteristics. Red, puss-filled pimples can be embarrassing and unsightly. Acne is difficult to cope with in any age and can affect an adult in the same way as a teenager by bringing down the person's self confidence, causing anxiety and depression. At an estimate, acne affects 25 percent of all adult men and 50 percent of adult women at sometime in their adult lives.

Sometimes many adults who have no acne in their earlier years get acne. Some athletes and others take anabolic steroids to build their body. Adult acne and the adult onset acne (acne beginning in the adult years) may involve dry skin, sensitive skin. Adult onset acne is usually triggered by a combination of factors like stress, dietary habits and hormonal changes. Many medications have been known to cause acne in adults. Medications containing lithium or iodine have also caused acne in adults. Many people believe that eating certain foods, such as chocolate, or greasy fried foods, can cause an acne breakout. The truth of the matter is that eating these foods does not affect sebum production, and therefore does not cause acne breakouts. There are many psychological and social affects of acne that, along with the physical aspects, can act in lowering self-esteem. There may be a genetic component difficult gist acne can run in families.

Treatment for adult acne is very effectual and there are many forms of therapy available. The best therapy happens to be the same therapy recommended most for teenage acne. Some birth control pills are capable of keeping hormones at bay and reduce blemishes. Adult acne treatments consist of a variety of creams, cleansers, moisturizers and astringents and not all of these are bogus. There are several treatment options available for women with hormonal acne, including topical retinoids, topical antimicrobials (such as benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics), and oral antibiotics that are prescribed when the inflammation is more severe. Do use herbal extracts and supplements to encourage the renewal of healthy skin. Don't wash with harsh soaps. Instead, use natural botanical and vegetable oil-based soaps that cleanse gently without "stripping" the skin.

Adult Acne Treatment Tips

1. Avoid touching your face with your hands.

2. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and Vegetables.

3. Low fat high fibre diets are recommended.

4. Watch the calories. Drink plenty of water to flush the body.

5. Put your self on an exercise program.

6. Do use herbal extracts and supplements to encourage the renewal of healthy skin.

7. Wash skin gently only 2 to 3 times daily and pat dry.

8. Do not Scrub the Skin.

Juliet Cohen writes articles to get rid of acne scars and homemade cure for acne. For more information on acne visit our site at

Best Way To Cure Acne - Is It Really Possible To Cure Your Acne?

Before you ask yourself what is the best way to cure your acne? It is very important for you to understand what acne really is, and what are the main causes of it. So I decided to start this article by explaining a little bit about what acne really is.

What is acne?

Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones and other substances on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands) and hair follicles; this skin disorder can occur in virtually anyone at almost any stage of his or her life, regardless of gender or skin type. Acne is also the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne is generally placed into one of three categories; mild, moderate or severe.

And what are the main causes of acne?

You might be curious to know about the causes of acne. The truth is that in terms of its real cause, no one is actually certain as to what exactly causes the development of acne or why acne begins in adolescence.

As you might already know, acne is caused by an over-production of sebum (oil) produced by the skin cells of the epidermis.

There are many myths about what causes this overproduction of sebum. One common myth is that dirty skin causes acne; however, blackheads and other acne lesions are not caused by dirt.

The many causes of adult acne and teen acne include hormone imbalance, diet, genetics, vitamin deficiency, stress, and more.

The number one cause of acne is the production of sex hormones, known as androgens, that begins at puberty. With hormone changes the body prompts the skin's oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil which causes white heads, black heads, and pimples.

On the other hand, we can say that blackheads result when a pore is partially blocked, which allows some of the trapped bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells to slowly drain to the surface and the skin's pigment, reacting with the oxygen in the air, causes a black color.

Some people mistakenly believe that acne is caused (or made worse) by eating chocolate or greasy food, or by sex, or poor hygiene, none of which is true.

Acne Cure and Treatments

Question: Is it possible to cure Acne?

Answer: The truth... some say there is no cure for acne, others say that acne can be cured. I personally think that it is possible to permanently cure your acne, if treated correctly.

There are many effective treatments available which can control it well.

In my opinion, I think that natural treatments are the way to go. They are designed to work with your body to get rid of the toxins that cause acne. With the proper treatment and proper care of your skin you can get rid of moderate and even severe acne naturally.

You see, most acne treatments work on the premise that since we do not know what causes acne, all we can do is treat the symptoms rather than the source which is the impurities within your body. The best way to get rid of these impurities is by eating the right food in the right quantities, and by avoiding certain types of food that actually can increase the toxins in your body that produces acne.

A proper diet of foods that encourage the body to get rid of the toxins within the body would be beneficial in controlling and finally curing your acne. When acne is under control, making a few simple changes to your cleansing routine will help keep this often painful condition from reemerging.

It is vital for you to know that misinformation can have you using an ineffective remedy for a long period of time, in a desperate attempt to cure your acne, and at the end your acne could even get worse, not to mention the side effects of most of these treatments.

Remember that the goals of acne treatment are to heal existing lesions, stop new lesions from forming, prevent scarring, and minimize the psychological stress and embarrassment caused by this disease.

In a nutshell, acne is a skin disorder that can occur to virtually anyone at almost any stage of his or her life, regardless of gender or skin type. Acne is a common skin condition and there are many ways to treat it. Although acne is usually not a serious health threat, it can be a source of significant emotional distress. With the proper treatment and proper care of your skin you can get rid of moderate and severe acne naturally, and remember that everyone reacts differently to different cures and treatments. Just don't give up and you will find your cure for acne.

Did you find this information on the best way to cure your acne useful? You can learn a lot more about how I can help you find out the best way to cure your acne in as little as 3 days here.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back Acne - Remedies for Unseen Acne

Back acne can be a particularly vicious beast. The back is the most likely place for cystic acne to develop: hard comedones appearing as acne black boils under the skin. It's also a very difficult area to reach, so topical methods can be quite difficult. However, there are still many back acne remedies that one can try.

Causes of Back Acne

As with all acne, back acne is caused by bacterial infection under the skin, namely from the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. It is these bacteria that are the causes of back acne. These bacteria cause redness and irritation (inflammation). They also create enzymes which dissolve the oil glands into irritating substances. The oil glands themselves are aggravated by androgen hormones, which occur in men and women, but in greater quantities for men. These hormones increase the size of the sebaceous glands, and increase oil production, causing plugged skin pores.

Back Acne Treatment

Due to the rather difficult locale of back acne, solutions to getting rid of back acne are hard to apply directly. In most cases, prevention is the name of the game rather than a back acne cure. However, treatments that work elsewhere on the body work wonders as solutions to getting rid of back acne.

Firstly, a proper cleaning regimen is of utmost importance to clear back acne. Since acne occurs when pores are blocked and thus infected, the most important of back acne remedies is to unblock these pores. An exfoliating scrub is good therapy to open up the pores. Natural facial cleanser products for back acne can include these scrubs, easily found in any drug or grocery store (Trader Joe's might have the most natural of these back acne products). As to the application of these drugs, the location of the back does make things a little bit difficult. To this end, it may be recommended to employ the services of a helper...a significant other, perhaps. My particularly sadistic girlfriend takes great pleasure in attacking the pores on my back with tweezers, though there are surely far less painful alternatives. If it makes her happy though, who am I to complain?

Once you get the pores open, either through an exfoliating scrub or more masochistic methods, it's vitally important to keep those pores open and clean. They are a great deal more exposed to infection now, though they are much healthier. To this end, it's a great idea to invest in a back brush. With a nice long handle, you can get to those hard-to-reach places with relative ease. It's important to scrub hard, as these pores are now exposed. Pain is a great acne cure, it seems.

A washcloth will allow direct intervention to troubled areas, scrubbing out any areas prone to long as you scrub hard. Of course, as back acne products go, washcloths are not terribly ideal.

Diet Regimen

You may have been dreading this section, but diet is just as important for back acne as it is for any other kind of acne. Bad food is bad food, when you're talking about acne or any other bodily condition. Fried foods, trans fats, and even vegetable oils should be avoided. Sugars and caffeinated products have also been suggested as aggravators of adult acne. Vegetables and fruits are a great, safe diet that will not introduce any factors that will increase acne. An increase in omega-3 fats, such as those found in salmon and other fish, also promotes skin health. This end can also be addressed by taking fish oil supplements. Be aware oil pills should be followed by mints. Since meats do have considerable hormones, they should essentially be reduced...after all, it was hormones like testosterone that got you into this mess in the first place!

It's the same healthy diet any doctor will recommend. To this end, it helps not only with acne problems, but basically any other health issue you may have. It may not be easy at first, but the results are worth it, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it takes no doctor to know this.

Topical Creams

The same treatments that work as a facial acne remedy will also work on back acne. Most dermatologists will prescribe typical over the counter medications for mild to moderate cases of acne. Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, and resorcinal are the most common of these medications. Each of these medicines work in very different ways, and are focused toward different types of acne.

Benzoyl peroxide breaks down these areas of acne irritation, and can also reduce oil production. Salicylic acid, resorcinol, and sulfur break down on the more tame blackheads and whiteheads. Among these, however, salicylic acid has the bonus helps reduce chances for acne to manifest, as it cuts down on the shedding of cells long the follicles of the oil glands.

Of course, these types of medication are for mild acne. Adult acne prescription medication can of course be far more effective, if it is needed. For adult acne medication, physicians may prescribe some form of retinoid. A retinoid medication is a regulator of epithelial cell growth...that is, cells on the outside of the body. Since a topical retinoid will generally result in a lot of new skin, it's frequently used (and misused) as a wrinkle reducer, which can certainly be dangerous. As side effects such as permanent dryness and peeling can occur, this is a medication that is best left to adults. Used properly, however, retinoids can help one get control over their skin with relative ease.

Retin-A is one of the most well-known of topical retinoid prescription medications. Retin-A opens up clogged pores, allowing medication to enter the hair follicle shaft and fight underlying infections. There can be side effects, however, and that is why prescription topical retinoids should be considered adult acne medication.


The biggest difficulty in getting advice on back acne is the back's difficult location. However, with diligence and perhaps a bit of assistance, all known treatments of acne will work quite well on the back. In the event of cystic acne, however, always consult a dermatologist.

Martin Hansen is the creator of (MATR), a website that specializes in providing acne sufferers with the knowledge to effectively and permanently control their outbreaks of acne. Find high-quality reviews of the Exposed acne treatment system - Acnezine - and other powerful acne products. Visit MATR now!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 Acne Treatment Myths

Acne is the most common skin disease in the United States. It affects nearly 20 million teens and one in every twenty adults. There is a tremendous amount of misinformation that confuses people about the real causes of acne and acne treatments. In order to clear the confusion, let us take a look at some of the most common acne myths.

1) Acne is caused by what you eat. Although some individuals notice their skin breaks out after consuming greasy foods, soda, and chocolate, these outbreaks are generally related to food allergies, not acne. Extensive studies have been conducted on acne and none have found a connection between diet and acne. Acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum (oil) and obstruction of the pores. It is not caused by food.

2) Acne is caused by poor hygiene. Acne is not caused by poor hygiene; however, it is important to keep skin pores clear of dirt to prevent bacteria from infecting the skin. Oftentimes, people who believe this myth cleanse their skin vigorously and frequently, which can make acne worse. Experts recommend gently washing the face twice a day with special oil absorbing micro-fiber facial clothes or with mild soap.

3) Popping pimples is the best way to manage acne. STOP and step away from the mirror! Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, picking or popping your pimples can lead to a nasty infection, or possibly even permanent scarring. Let them pop on their own and they will heal much faster.

4) Only teenagers get acne. People of all ages can get acne. As early as birth, infants can have mild acne on their faces. Adolescent acne usually develops when puberty begins and adult acne develops between the ages of 20 and 50. Most people eventually outgrow acne; however, in women it may last until menopause.

5) Oily skin is the main cause of pimples. Acne is not caused by oily skin. For reasons no one completely understands, follicles (or pores) sometimes become blocked with sebum (oil). The cells that line the hair follicle fail to make their way to the skin's surface, where they can be washed away. Instead these cells build up, mix with sebum and bacteria, and form a plug. Acne originates from the faulty hair follicle cells that do not get washed away, not the oil.

6) Acne is contagious. No one knows how this myth got started, but rumor has it that fathers would tell this to their daughters to keep them away from boys with acne. Apparently these fathers thought acne was caused by poor hygiene. Acne is absolutely, positively not contagious. You can not get it from anyone and you can not give it to anyone.

7) Tanning clears up acne. Tanning may darken your skin and temporarily mask the redness of acne; but it does nothing more than that. While it's beneficial to obtain 20 minutes of sunlight each day in order to obtain your vitamin D; too much sun increases your risk of developing wrinkles and even skin cancer. And, if you are thinking about tanning beds, nix that idea. There is growing concern that tanning beds increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

8) Using more medicine will heal acne faster. Wrong! When it comes to acne medicine, adhere to the saying "less is more." Using too much medicine can lead to dry, irritated skin. It can also lead to physical problems. When you apply ointment to the skin, it is absorbed by your entire body. It's filtered through the liver and kidneys. Using too much medicine can overtax these organs and cause unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. Always follow directions when using acne treatments and never use more than the prescribed amount.

9) Cosmetics must be avoided if you have acne. This is partially true and partially false. Certain types of cosmetics have been linked to acne and include foundation, night creams, and moisturizers composed of vegetable oil and oleic acid. If you want to use cosmetics just be certain to select products that are labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic." Oftentimes, health food stores will carry all-natural cosmetics; some of which are specifically formulated for people with acne.

10) It is safe to stop acne medication once acne has cleared. You should always consult with your doctor or dermatologist about discontinuing your acne treatment []. Acne flare-ups can occur if you stop taking your medication to soon, or if you change the dose. Certain medications require a "weening" period, which means the dosage should gradually be reduced. Complications can arise when quickly stopping some acne medications.

Alan Jensen is recognized as a leading expert on herbal acne products for fast and safe acne treatment. He is a frequent contributor to Acne Treatments [] and Hoodia Diet Pills He enjoys spending free time with his family and 3 year old German Shepherd.

10 Myths surrounding acne

10. Poor hygiene causes acne

While the oils, dirt and other contaminants can clog pores and aggravate acne, it is not the primary cause of acne. Acne has many causes, the primary being hormonal factors, and to some extent, genetics. For those who have a predisposition to acne, poor hygiene may aggravate acne, but will not be the sole cause of acne, for most of the patients.

9. Acne lasts forever

While those with acne tend to have their acne for years, most people who get acne in their childhood and adolescence improve in their environment and the end of the 20 without any treatment. This improvement is mainly due to a stabilization hormone levels during the middle and the end of the usually done 20 rage and flow during adolescence. Some people, however, continue to have a certain acne adult years and even some other people to develop as acne in their adult life.

8 Sexual activity worsens acne

The myth is that testosterone and the hormonal environment associated with the increase of sexual activity aggravated acne, but there is no evidence that sexual activity is all related to acne.

7-Acne may be contagious

Acne is not contagious. If you touch or rub against any person with acne, you will not get acne for their injuries. Rather touching or rubbing, as such, may lead to a pore blocking and cause acne - for example people breakout on their cheeks and Chin of talking on the phone for long periods of time.

6 Fat food causes acne

Acne is not caused by the consumption of food. Limited studies have been conducted to prove or foods cause acne and while some studies have suggested an association, there is no evidence in support of acne is related to what you eat. Chocolate or candy do not cause acne.

5 Get the light from the Sun or tanning improves acne

There is no evidence that exposure tanning or the Sun improves acne. Some people may appear subjectively better after exposure to the Sun, but there is nothing to indicate that regular exposure to the Sun is a good way to treat acne. While exposure to the Sun is known to reduce inflammation of the skin and, although that theoretically would benefit proven, some inflammatory acne, this effect is not scientifically proven. It is very well known that exposure to the Sun leads to many types of skin cancers and strongly contributes to the accelerated skin ageing.

4. More you wash your skin, the more improved your acne will be

Face washing improves acne, but the effect is limited. For those who have acne very soft, wash 2 - 3 times a day can be everything need improvement. However, for those will where simple washing not fully control not acne, in addition to more aggressive cleaning/washing or not help and is not recommended. In fact, the trauma resulting and drought can be worse than real acne itself. It would be prudent to have other methods of control of acne, topical or oral drugs for other improvements.

3 Popping buttons is the best thing to do when you see active acne

Buttons popping immediately can relieve pain and inflammation associated with many types of acne, however, remember that trying to pop a bud can actually greatly aggravate your acne. Inflammation increased, trauma and resulting worsening of acne may cause not only larger, more painful injury, but also the potential of acne scars.

2 Natural makeup are good for Acne

No makeup can promote the acne, natural or otherwise. Makeup block pores which then get inflamed and form the acne. If you are shopping at a suitable makeup for acne, best makeup types to use are those marked as non-COMEDOGENIC (non-acne-forming). For a list of compounds not comédogènes, click here.

1. To help more acne medicine makes better, faster

More on medicine using a current acne lesion does not better more quickly. When an acne lesion is present, it is often useful to put a product of 1.5-2.0% benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the injury of one to three times a day. To make any more often can lead to excessive drying and cracking without further improve acne lesion. For the same time, excessive use of Retin-A or the prescription of medicines that you already have on a single acne lesion is not recommended.

Don Mehrabi MD, FAAD is a dermatologist certified by the Board of Dermatology currently practicing in Beverly Hills California United States. He is also a main contributor of with many articles and topics to address many common dermatological problems and aesthetic problems. Visit for a discussion on more educational topics relating to dermatology and personal beauty.